Vision Pro Hackathon Happening This Week, Offering $25K in Cash and Prizes - Road to VR

Vision Pro Hackathon Takes Place This Week With $25K in Cash & Prizes

Vision Hack, the world's first global visionOS hackathon, is taking place this week from September 13–15th, offering $25K in cash and prizes for winners. Organized by Emmy-nominated product designer and entrepreneur, Cosmo Scharf, the event welcomes participants of all skill levels and encourages last-minute sign-ups with a special code for free registration. The hackathon features categories like Game & Entertainment, Productivity & Utility, Wellbeing & Lifestyle, and XR Demoparty, each with cash prizes for the top three winners. Key events include an opening ceremony on Friday, coding sessions throughout the weekend, and the announcement of winners on Monday. For more details and to sign up, visit Road to VR.

For the full story, visit Road to VR.
