The release date for 'Arken Age' is "coming soon," with a promised 10-15 hour campaign available on PSVR 2 and PC VR. - Road to VR

‘Arken Age’ Release Date is “coming soon,” Promising 10–15 Hour Campaign on PSVR 2 & PC VR

Arken Age, the forthcoming single-player sci-fi shooter from Shadow Legend VR studio VitruviusVR, is nearing its release. The team has completed their first major beta test with SteamVR users and is dispatching a second round of beta codes. A release date is expected to be announced in the next few weeks. The game will be available on PSVR 2 and PC VR headsets and promises a 10-15 hour campaign featuring customizable weapons, physics-based combat, boss fights, and over two dozen unique areas.

For the full story and more details, visit Road to VR.
