The price of Lynx-R1 is rising to $1300 as the startup shifts its focus back to serving businesses. - UploadVR

Lynx-R1 Price Increasing To $1300 As Startup Pivots Focus Back To Businesses

The price of the Lynx-R1 headset is increasing from $850 to $1300 as the company shifts its focus. Originally announced as a $1500 product for businesses, the company later reduced the price to target consumers. However, they are now returning their focus to businesses due to rising manufacturing costs and the need for a return on low sales volume. Existing orders will still be honored at the original price, but new orders will be subject to the increased price. The headset, which features color passthrough mixed reality and hand tracking, has faced delays and some technical issues. Despite competition from other headsets, Lynx claims its features and design make it more appealing for businesses. Visit the source for the full story at UploadVR.
