The Mixed Reality Dynamic Occlusion on Quest 3 now boasts improved quality and enhanced performance. - UploadVR
Quest 3's Mixed Reality Dynamic Occlusion Is Now Higher Quality With Better Performance
Dynamic occlusion on the Quest 3 is now more efficient and higher quality, though it's only supported in a limited number of apps. Occlusion, which allows virtual objects to appear behind real ones, is vital for mixed reality headsets. While the Quest 3 initially launched with static occlusion, dynamic occlusion was released soon after as an experimental feature and recently became fully available.
Developers can integrate dynamic occlusion using Meta's Depth API, though it is a complex process requiring shader modifications for each virtual object. The low-resolution depth map currently used can result in visual gaps and missed details around objects. Recent improvements in Meta's v67 XR Core SDK have enhanced the visual quality of the Depth API and significantly reduced its CPU and GPU usage. Additionally, new tools in v67 simplify the integration process for developers using Unity's Shader Graph tool.
A new option in v67 allows developers to exclude tracked hands from the depth map, using hand tracking mesh instead, which offers higher quality occlusion for hands but with some inconsistencies at the wrists.
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