The interactive anime 'Mobile Suit Gundam' is launching on Quest this fall, featuring newly unveiled mixed reality gameplay. - Road to VR
‘Mobile Suit Gundam’ Interactive Anime Coming to Quest This Fall, New Mixed Reality Gameplay Revealed
Bandai Namco and XR studio Atlas V (known for Gloom Eyes and BATTLESCAR) have announced their upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam game for the Quest, titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom. Initially teased with limited details, the game now has a release window set for this fall and will feature mixed reality elements that allow players to engage in battles within their own living rooms. Described as a “virtual reality interactive movie,” the game is set in Universal Century 0096 and includes space battles, offering a fresh and immersive way for fans to experience the Gundam series.
For a deeper look at Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom, including behind-the-scenes insights and the latest trailers, visit the full article at Road to VR.