The Godot Engine Can Now Be Used Independently on Quest Headsets - UploadVR

The Godot Engine Is Now Available Standalone On Quest Headsets

Godot now operates natively on Horizon OS, enabling full standalone game development on Quest. Godot, a free and open-source game engine alternative to Unity and Unreal, is managed by the non-profit Godot Foundation. Recently, Meta has been funding a startup of Godot veterans to enhance the engine's OpenXR and Quest (now Horizon OS) support. Leveraging these enhancements, Meta engineer Fredia Huya-Kouadio has ported the Godot editor to Horizon OS, available for early access on the Horizon Store. The port supports all desktop editor features, including GDScript editing and building/exporting binaries. The hybrid app, based on the flatscreen Android port, allows for non-VR game testing with a secondary window and seamless VR game testing with immediate transition into immersive mode. For the full details, visit the source at UploadVR.
