The Butterscotch Varifocal prototype headset by Meta offers Eyes-In and Retinal Resolution Varifocal features. - UploadVR

Eyes-In: Butterscotch Varifocal, Meta's Retinal Resolution Varifocal Prototype Headset

At SIGGRAPH 2023, Meta showcased a research prototype called Butterscotch Varifocal, which offers near-retinal angular resolution, dynamic focus, and dynamic distortion correction. It is based on the original Butterscotch prototype revealed by Meta the previous year. The Butterscotch headsets use off-the-shelf LCD displays paired with lenses with a reduced field of view to achieve a higher angular resolution. The purpose of this prototype is to demonstrate what retinal resolution feels like and inform future product decisions. Butterscotch Varifocal also incorporates varifocal technology from Meta's Half-Dome prototype, allowing for dynamic adjustment of focus based on the virtual object being looked at. This combination of near-retinal resolution and dynamic focus adjustment results in a virtual world with high visual quality and no visible pixelation or blur. The prototype offers a tantalizing glimpse of the visual quality that consumer VR may offer in the future.
