Quest v67 Allows Free Window Positioning and Enhances Eye Tracking on Quest Pro - UploadVR

Quest v67 Lets You Freely Position Windows & Improves Quest Pro's Eye Tracking

The Quest v67 update introduces several new features, including the ability to freely position 2D windows, improved eye tracking for the Quest Pro, and enabling Quest 3 to scan Wi-Fi QR codes. This update will be gradually rolled out starting on Monday, and it may take several days or weeks for it to reach all headsets.

Key features of this update include:

  1. New Window Layout: This experimental option eliminates the previous 'Close View' and 'Far View' modes, allowing you to grab and detach windows for freer positioning and resizing. It supports up to six 2D windows simultaneously and introduces a fullscreen mode with a simplified control bar for better management of the VR interface.

  2. Improved Eye Tracking on Quest Pro: Enhancements to the eye-tracking capabilities make the Quest Pro more efficient and responsive.

For a more detailed account, please visit the full story at UploadVR.
