PC VR players can look forward to experiencing a Robinson Crusoe-inspired survival game called Bootstrap Island in the coming year. - UploadVR

Bootstrap Island Brings Robinson Crusoe Inspired Survival To PC VR Next Year

Bootstrap Island, a PC VR survival game developed by Maru VR, is set to release on Steam Early Access next year. Inspired by Robinson Crusoe, players will navigate a 17th century tropical island and strive to survive by finding resources, defending against beasts, and adapting to their surroundings. The game aims to provide an immersive experience with a captivating narrative. While there are currently no plans for a Quest version or co-op gameplay, multiplayer may be added in the future. A demo will be available during Steam Next Fest, and the game is scheduled for a full release in 2025. For more information, users can visit the source at UploadVR.

Source: https://www.uploadvr.com/bootstrap-island-vr-announcement/