Later this year, Quest 3 will introduce inside-out upper body tracking and AI leg estimation. - UploadVR

Quest 3 Will Get Inside-Out Upper Body Tracking & AI Leg Estimation Later This Year

Quest 3, a virtual reality headset, is set to receive a software update in December that will introduce upper body tracking and AI estimated legs. Unlike other VR systems that only track the head and hands, Quest 3 will leverage its side cameras to track the wrist, elbows, shoulder, and torso using advanced computer vision algorithms. This Inside-Out Body Tracking feature aims to provide more accurate representations of the user's body, avoiding the discomfort of incorrect estimations. Additionally, Meta, the company behind Quest 3, will be launching Generative Legs, an AI model that estimates leg positions. While this technology is a mere estimator and not a tracker, it enables more realistic VR experiences. The Full Body Synthesis feature, made possible by the combination of upper body tracking and Generative Legs, will be available in specific VR games and will also be accessible to other developers through the SDK in December. For more details, visit the source, UploadVR.
