In the final overdrive scene, Pistol Whip compels you to put in some serious effort. - UploadVR
Pistol Whip Puts You To 'Work' In Final Overdrive Scene
Pistol Whip has released its final scene for the Overdrive season called "Work." In this new scene, players will become robo-gladiators and face off against waves of android baddies, including Emperor Cyberius. This release marks the fifth scene for Overdrive Season, with previous scenes including Shred, Nobody Wants You, Good News, and Majesty. However, Pistol Whip still has more updates planned, with the upcoming release of "Elixir Of Madness" this fall. The Work scene is available now on various platforms, and for a full review of Pistol Whip since its release in 2019, visit the source at UploadVR.