Immersed Visor Hands-On Review Part 2: Some Features Working, Chilled with a Frappuccino - UploadVR

Immersed Visor Hands-On Take 2: Partially Functional, But Cooled By A Frappuccino

Visor headset development by Immersed, led by founder Renji Bijoy, is progressing slowly with planned limited release in November and hopes for mass production by summer. Recent demo improvements were minimal, operating at 60 fps with noticeable rendering struggles and inadequate virtual desktop readability. Future enhancements include foveated rendering at 90hz to mitigate heating issues. Bijoy anticipates improved cooling solutions and potential transition to an Android XR tech stack. Despite some functionality observed, UploadVR advises against pre-ordering the Visor, as it's not yet meeting high-resolution, low-latency standards compared to competitors like Meta and Apple. Visit UploadVR for the complete story.
