How to create mixed reality interactions with the same mystique as a magician. - UploadVR

How To Design Mixed Reality Experiences Like A Magician

Summary: Mixed reality provides a playground for magic to take place by blurring the lines between digital and physical realities. In order to create magic moments in mixed reality, creators must invest in world-building, audience insights, and relevant technology features. Emotions play a crucial role in making magic feel real and storytelling helps create a sense of care in the illusion. Magic moments in mixed reality occur when the digital and physical worlds seamlessly converge, allowing users to forget they are interacting with technology and feel genuine surprise, wonder, and awe. Different scales of magic can convey different kinds of wonder. Understanding audiences deeply and creating a sense of wonder through player actions are key in developing magical experiences in XR games. Users must visit the source for the full story at UploadVR.
