"Horyzon Worlds" is set to release on iOS in the upcoming weeks, while a beta version is currently accessible on the web and Android. - Road to VR
‘Horizon Worlds’ to Launch on iOS in “coming weeks”, Beta Now Available on Web & Android
Meta's social VR platform, Horizon Worlds, recently launched a closed beta for standard web browsers and Android outside of Quest-exclusivity. An iOS version is also set to be released in the coming weeks. Access to Horizon Worlds is still invite-only and limited to certain countries. The platform aims to compete with other successful metaverse apps like Rec Room, Roblox, and VR Chat. Meta's annual Connect developer conference, taking place on September 27th, is expected to reveal more features for Horizon Worlds. Visit the source for the full story.
Source: https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-horizon-worlds-android-launch-quest-3/