Here's John Carmack's Thoughts on Bigscreen Beyond, as Reviewed by Him. - UploadVR

John Carmack Reviewed Bigscreen Beyond - Here's What He Thinks

John Carmack, the former CTO of Oculus, recently reviewed Bigscreen Beyond, an ultra-compact and ultra-light SteamVR headset. The key features of this headset include the use of OLED microdisplays and customization based on the buyer's face and eyes, determined through an iPhone 3D face scan. Carmack ordered and personally tested the Beyond headset and shared his impressions on Twitter. He found the fit to be perfect with no light leaks, but noted that it's not great for fitness activities due to the lack of breathability. The lenses and resolution were praised, although there were some trade-offs compared to the Quest Pro. Carmack expressed disappointment in the lack of integrated audio, noting that having to use headphones detracts from the minimalist feel of the headset. He also mentioned that the cable and tracking base stations are downsides, and he wouldn't recommend a PC VR setup as an entry point to VR. However, for those considering an upgrade to a PC VR system, Bigscreen Beyond should be considered. Carmack appreciates the focus on light weight and hopes it influences future designs from Meta. For the full story, visit the source at UploadVR.
