Every VR developer should have a hand tracking plan. - UploadVR
Why Every VR Developer Needs A Hand Tracking Plan
Summary: Every VR developer should have a plan for implementing hand tracking, as it is becoming the default mode of interaction in VR. It is important to consider that relying solely on controllers may limit compatibility with certain devices and become less popular as hand tracking becomes more prevalent. The shift to hand tracking will happen faster than expected and developers who do not plan ahead may face challenges retrofitting their games. It is advantageous to design products with hand tracking in mind from the beginning, as it allows for unique experiences and takes advantage of the technology's capabilities. However, some developers may be skeptical due to their experiences with early versions of hand tracking. It is important to look past these early versions and consider the constant advancements and improvements that are being made in hand tracking technology. Overall, the shift to hand tracking as the primary input will improve VR experiences and make them more user-friendly. For the full story, visit the source at UploadVR.
Source: https://www.uploadvr.com/editorial-hand-tracking-developers-seriously/