Bootstrap Island Promises the VR Survival Experience I've Always Dreamed Of - UploadVR

Bootstrap Island Promises The VR Survival Game Of My Dreams

If you're a fan of survival games, Bootstrap Island might be just what you're looking for. In this early access SteamVR title from Maru VR Productions, you are stranded on a desert island and must use your hands for everything, from smashing coconuts to starting bonfires. While the building mechanics are still simple, with the ability to construct only fences and gates, the studio plans to add more features like food spoilage, boots, and new bosses this fall. The game offers a unique twist on the genre by emphasizing intuitive, hands-on interactions and the environment shifts notably from friendly during the day to hostile at night. Bootstrap Island is available now on Steam Early Access, with a full release planned for the first half of 2025. For the full story, visit UploadVR.
